Sometimes you are lucky... Laugh. Sometimes your soul is in the blender... Laugh harder.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Mission Mississippi - Friday
Mission Mississippi - Thursday
Monday, May 19, 2008
Mission Mississippi - Wednesday
Only one thing could make me do something this uncharacteristic: a good-looking man. He is pictured above. Mr. G is hoping to move into his new house within a week. He's been hanging out while the crews are there to drive that point home, as it were. It worked with me. Our crew cleaned, painted, mowed, whacked weed, leveled the yard, and swept like crazy. After I could mow and whack no more I chatted Mr. G up.
The house we worked on was a 3 bedroom deal that is bigger than my house. Mr. G is the same age as my grandma. I asked him his plans for this big place. "I'll roam around in it," was his reply. Sounded good to me. I then thought to ask, "How big was your home you lost?"
"Oh, a lot bigger than this."
After some talk about his life, careers, and family Mr. G revealed that previously he had lived in an apartment that was attached to a lounge. That was the big house. That's right, folks, the good Episcopalians, Lutherans, and Unitarian Universalists of this country were replacing the neighborhood juke joint with a house.
Bummer, I thought.
Mr. G seems to have taken his forced retirement from the bar business well. The neighborhood is full of his family and he is looking forward to being in his own space again. He is also a generous soul. As the crew left in the afternoon he gave them a pile of crawfish. Man, I bet that was a great bar in its day.
After work, the UUs cleaned up and we headed to the local UU church. This felt like homecoming. We had a great time meeting the Mississippi UUs. They have had a rough time of it. We had worship, a class, and some time just getting to know each other. We had a lot in common. This made their stories of post-hurricane struggles seem even more personal. They have kept their doors open through hard work, perseverance, and the support of UUs from around the country. They are nervous about the future, though.
The nervousness of the Gulf Coast UUs was echoed by other Mississippi residents throughout our stay. The FEMA trailers are being taken back without housing to replace them. The aid is only trickling in now, but it has been sporadic and unpredictable all along. The ripoff artists continue their work and people are having their "new" homes condemned or are discovering the shoddy work as houses start to fall apart. Fewer first-time volunteers are working at the camps as the rest of the country believes the need has passed.
Our group encountered this as we planned this trip. Many people expressed their belief that we shouldn't be going, that our energy and money were best used in other ways, that if the UUA is discontinuing their relief efforts why should we bother, that our timing and preparation were not enough. What about the needs in our own city?
There is always a reason not to take the risk to help someone. Who can forget the Live Aid planes of the 80s sitting on the tarmac and full of food that wasn't getting to starving people? No one wants to be on the boat of supplies to Myanmar that sinks. There are better ways to give help than others. All of this is true.
But this is also true. Our band of hopeful and helpful but not professionally skilled volunteers gave 360 hours of service to 6 homes. Everywhere we went the locals made a special effort to thank us for not forgetting them. The Gulf Coast UUs had a fun and uplifting evening with like-minded strangers. Mr. G will move into his own home this week after waiting almost three years.
The inkling was there from the start, but by Wednesday we knew. We are coming back to Mississippi. Soon.
Mission Mississippi - Tuesday
My Glamorous Life
These have to be some of the oddest words I have ever said as a UU minister. But last week I made them a reality. 8 members of my two beloved congregations and I went to Long Beach, Mississippi to be part of the re-building effort from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. It was a life-changing trip.
My crew arrived on Sunday but I couldn't come until Monday due to a standing Sunday AM commitment. (Excuses. Excuses.) The trip to the camp was uneventful and not particularly enlightening. Mississippi looks alot like central Florida. And an airport, a Chevron, and railroad crossings look the same most anywhere you go..
One instant eye-opener that I was indeed in the South: as soon as I stepped outside the terminal I was bumped by what appeared to be copulating lightning bugs in flight. Hey, Lovebugs! I'd forgotten all about them. I know virtually nothing about lovebugs except that they fly while having sex. (Ah, the jokes I am holding back at this moment!) We saw many of them during the week. It would appear that their in-flight navigation systems get all kerplooey while in the act, so they are forever landing on well-intentioned Katrina relief workers. I felt like I was the room of the "Get a room!" comments.
We got to the camp and it was, well you can see for yourself. It was sparse. Having made a career-hobby of ministering in church camps, however, it was some of the nicest digs I've seen in years. Great bathrooms, good food, nothing stinky - I loved it. My flock had spent the day installing insulation. They were in good cheer and I was in awe as these people I had previously seen handing out Sunday AM programs, singing in the choir, and working in committees described ladders, heat, staple guns, sweat, and the distinctive itch of fiberglass.
I began to nervously wonder: What on earth will a 6 ft tall, arthritic minister have to contribute?
And then came Tuesday.
Friday, May 09, 2008
Omens and Synchronicity
1) Anyone who takes public dance breaks.
2) That orange light that sometimes comes at sunset and in which everyone looks like a super-model.
3) Discovering a secret talent in a friend. (This week it was a bring-down-the-house karaoke rendition of "Viva Las Vegas!")
4) The bonding of small children and canines.
5) Synchronicity
On #5 - I have spent 3 months sadly visiting my buddy Canadian blogger's site as he took some time off to do something shady and despicable (work). Twice a week I go and look at previous posts and hope he comes back.
While he was gone, a curio turned up in my front yard. There's a particularly generous and sweet UU who lives on my block.
Me: Did you leave an angel in my yard?
Her: A Venus of Willendorf, or one of those Easter Island statues maybe. An angel, no way.
Me: Good point. Actually I think it is a sprite or a fairy. There's one at the other end of the street, too.
Her: Hey, that's cool. I wish I had left it.
I took some shells that my son had deposited in the yard and put them at the base of the sprite. I had plans for a full-on holy site. I was about to take a pic of it and post it on the blog... and it disappeared.
Meanwhile, somewhere in Canada a picture of angry Jesus floated into my blogging buddy's yard. And he felt the need to write about it.
This is the week to leave an omen in someone's yard.
The Commonwealth has been known to trample over basic tenets of Unitarian Universalism. Making marriage a civil right for all? Nope. Protecting the beautiful environment in which we live? Not if coal or crabs can be harvested.
And UUism is not real comfy with Virginia-isms like... "Heavens to Betsy", "Glory be", and "Hell's bells." So, never did I think I'd be able to say in standard Virginia speak, "I'm going on a mission trip."
But here we go! 9 of us from the two churches are headed down to Mississippi to do some Katrina rebuilding work. The main crew leaves this weekend. I join them on Monday for the week. I doubt I'll be able to blog during the week, but I am planning to take notes and pics and good wishes to our Mississippi UU's.
Tried on my hand-me-down steel toed boots last night. Not lady-like. Don't tell my fellow Virginians.
CH is for Church
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Eleven Days
4 Sunday AM services
1 Sunday PM service
2 Vespers services
5 staff meetings
2 weddings
1 guest lecture at seminary
2 books read
11 breakfast battles between two children
18 trips to and from 2 schools
4 sessions of PT
2 sessions of dry needling (Yes, it is as bad as it sounds.)
1 all ages Kentucky Derby party (left before the tragedy)
1 night karaoke (surreal)
2 vet visits
5 close calls with a dying beagle
1 postponed memorial service for beagle (yay!)
13 newspapers read
2 nights insomnia
no TV
no blogging
no front porch feet propping/cloud gazing
no bundt cakes baked